
The Mysterious Life of Hussein Arablinsky

Yegana Jalal Season 1 Episode 13

Stones were thrown at him for his shaved mustache, shots were fired at his house because he played female roles on stage, and he was kicked out of public places...  He was starving, suffering from tuberculosis in a damp and cold shack, but he did not give up his life’s work, because a person who has chosen to serve art cannot turn from this path. It is difficult to find a person, in the history of the Azerbaijani theatre, whose life and death would be shrouded in so many secrets. 

This podcast was created on Azerbaijani donations. You can support the project via patreon.com/herstoryaz. 

Music: Adalat Vazirov, Fikret Amirov, Uzeyir Hajibeyli, Afrasiyab Badalbeyli

Voiced by Yegana Jalal (24, UK)

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